Women Stem Up

Leadership / Inspiration Academy Materials

Role models in STEM

Since currently women hold only about 20% of leadership positions, it is emphatically important to know about them so we can see it is possible to climb the ladder.

Below you can see what people think about their leadership experiences throughout their careers.

Janice Levenhagen
         Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Wevise.org   Paris, France
Fanni Bobak
         Project manager, Ex Ante Consulting          Hungary, Budapest
Anna Szlavi
              Researcher / Mentor, NTNU                 Trondheim, Norway

There are a lot of very different and exciting career pathways within STEM. For example, as a computing student you can specialize in cybersecurity, interaction design, or AI, among others.

Below you can see what people think about their experiences and career. You can find posters and video testimonials.

Serena Versino
PhD Student in Artificial Intelligence Turin, Italy
Since currently women hold only about 20-30% of academic positions in STEM, esepcially the higher one goes, it is emphatically important to know about them so we can see it is possible to climb the ladder.
Below you can see what people think about their experiences and career. You can find posters and video testimonials.
Malin Wiger
Associate Professor at Linköpings university,       Sweden
Anikó Rumbus
  Computer engineering and Math teacher,         Budapest, Hungary
Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Gothenburg and Chalmers Institute of Technology,                  Gothenburg, Sweden