Women Stem Up

Mentoring Program Materials

Mentoring programs

What is a mentoring program? Who are mentors and mentees?

To help you understand these terms, here is an overview of the key terms and a directory of programs dedicated to increasing the number and wellbeing of women in the STEM field.


There are many ways to define mentoring. For example, it can be viewed as “a relationship between a more experienced mentor and a typically younger, less experienced protégé for the purpose of helping and developing the protégé’s career”2. However, mentoring can also be looked at more broadly: peer mentoring has also been shown to work well, as the mentor is more relatable with a smaller age gap, which can positively influence the mentor-mentee relationship. The essence of mentoring is to offer support to the mentee in personal and career development.


Many mentoring programs have been launched over the past decade in order to address the gender gap in STEM. They differ in their scope, focus, and tools used. Below you can find a directory of mentoring programs aimed at involving more women in STEM, which can be used as inspiration for further such mentoring programs.


Ada Mentoring Program
This mentoring program, hosted at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, is focusing on offering help to female Bachelor students enrolled in computing programs at Norway’s largest university.

Ada Mentoring Program
This mentoring program, hosted at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, is focusing on offering help to female Bachelor students enrolled in computing programs at Norway’s largest university.

Aerospace Xelerated Mentorship Program 

This mentorship program by the Boeing Company aims to empower women at all stages of their STEM careers, from students to seasoned professionals, emphasizing the exciting field of aerospace. Despite considerable efforts over the past decades to inspire and engage women and girls in scientific pursuits, there is still a big gender gap and this Mentorship Programme seeks to address this disparity by offering mentorship opportunities to any woman exploring or undergoing her career in STEM fields.

Athena SWAN at UCL London

The Computer Science Department at the University College London has a dedicated effort to support its female students and staff, through mentoring, role models, and challenging stereotypes, for which the university has received a number of equality awards.

Athena SWAN at UCL London

The Computer Science Department at the University College London has a dedicated effort to support its female students and staff, through mentoring, role models, and challenging stereotypes, for which the university has received a number of equality awards.


This mentoring programme covers all scientific institutions, regions and language communities in Belgium. Its aim is to support women scientists at crucial moments in their career. This program is complementary to existing programmes at universities.


This mentoring programme covers all scientific institutions, regions and language communities in Belgium. Its aim is to support women scientists at crucial moments in their career. This program is complementary to existing programmes at universities.

Career Mentoring III

The program, connected to the universities in Krems, Linz, and Salzburg, Austria, aims to increase the proportion of women in leading academic/scientific positions. The career development program has been designed to offer participating women scientists and academics opportunities to help advance their academic careers.

Career Mentoring III

The program, connected to the universities in Krems, Linz, and Salzburg, Austria, aims to increase the proportion of women in leading academic/scientific positions. The career development program has been designed to offer participating women scientists and academics opportunities to help advance their academic careers.

Girls in Tech Greece

A regional chapter of Girls in Tech organisation that has chapters all over the world and offers among other activities mentorship and empowerment workshops, networking opportunities, start-up bootcamps, mentorship for entrepreneurs and other relevant activities.

Girls in Tech Greece

A regional chapter of Girls in Tech organisation that has chapters all over the world and offers among other activities mentorship and empowerment workshops, networking opportunities, start-up bootcamps, mentorship for entrepreneurs and other relevant activities.

Greek Women in STEM Mentoring Program

Greek Women in STEM seeks to highlight and support the work of Greek women in STEM and all related fields. The mentoring program is one of the ways this support is provided. Greek Women in STEM offer free, online, 1 to 1 mentoring cycles with their STEM mentors spread around the world. All adults over 18 years old can apply. The participation in the program lasts 1 month but can be extended according to both participants’ purpose and availability. Mentors volunteer their personal time and might not be immediately available upon request.

Greek Women in STEM Mentoring Program

Greek Women in STEM seeks to highlight and support the work of Greek women in STEM and all related fields. The mentoring program is one of the ways this support is provided. Greek Women in STEM offer free, online, 1 to 1 mentoring cycles with their STEM mentors spread around the world. All adults over 18 years old can apply. The participation in the program lasts 1 month but can be extended according to both participants’ purpose and availability. Mentors volunteer their personal time and might not be immediately available upon request.

IDUN Mentoring Program

This mentoring program, sponsored by the Norwegian Research Fund and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, was aimed at bridging the gender gap at the level of PhD students and professors in the computing field.

IDUN Mentoring Program

This mentoring program, sponsored by the Norwegian Research Fund and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, was aimed at bridging the gender gap at the level of PhD students and professors in the computing field.

Inspiring Solutions – IASP Brilliant Mentors of the Future  

​The Brilliant Mentors of the Future is a reverse mentorship program that connects business leaders with university students to create connections for sharing knowledge and experience. The aim is to increase companies’ ability to attract young talent and for students to learn more about local businesses.

Inspiring Solutions – IASP Brilliant Mentors of the Future  

​The Brilliant Mentors of the Future is a reverse mentorship program that connects business leaders with university students to create connections for sharing knowledge and experience. The aim is to increase companies’ ability to attract young talent and for students to learn more about local businesses.

Kite-Mentoring – Universität Freiburg

kite-mentoring is a mentoring and career development program for women in natural and life sciences in their doctoral and postdoctoral phase at the University of Freiburg. Female scientists from the faculties of mathematics and physics, chemistry and pharmacy, engineering, biology, environment and natural resources and members of our funding partners form a network for projects, exchange, training and sustainable support. The program promotes strategic academic and non-academic career development, personal development and networking in a wide range of professions and numerous companies we cooperate with.

Kite-Mentoring – Universität Freiburg

kite-mentoring is a mentoring and career development program for women in natural and life sciences in their doctoral and postdoctoral phase at the University of Freiburg. Female scientists from the faculties of mathematics and physics, chemistry and pharmacy, engineering, biology, environment and natural resources and members of our funding partners form a network for projects, exchange, training and sustainable support. The program promotes strategic academic and non-academic career development, personal development and networking in a wide range of professions and numerous companies we cooperate with.

Mentoring Project BALANSE

One of the initiatives in Balanse – Bergen is a mentor project with participants from the University of Bergen and two other local institutions. There were 44 participants in the project, with mentees who are female associate professors and researchers. The project started on 9 April 2015 and lasted for over a year.

Mentoring Project BALANSE

One of the initiatives in Balanse – Bergen is a mentor project with participants from the University of Bergen and two other local institutions. There were 44 participants in the project, with mentees who are female associate professors and researchers. The project started on 9 April 2015 and lasted for over a year.

Mentor Program at the University of Stavanger

Women in postdoctoral and PhD positions are offered the opportunity to participate in a special mental programme encouraging a career in research at the University of Stavanger. The aim of this program is to increase the percentage of women in academic positions in STEM disciplines. Mentees participating in the programme are mentored by a professor at the university.

Mentor Program at the University of Stavanger

Women in postdoctoral and PhD positions are offered the opportunity to participate in a special mental programme encouraging a career in research at the University of Stavanger. The aim of this program is to increase the percentage of women in academic positions in STEM disciplines. Mentees participating in the programme are mentored by a professor at the university.

MuT – Mentoring und Training

The MuT Program offers mentoring for women in sciences in LaKoG, that is, the academic institutions of Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany.

MuT – Mentoring und Training

The MuT Program offers mentoring for women in sciences in LaKoG, that is, the academic institutions of Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany.

Peer Mentoring at TU Wien

This mentoring program, operating at the Technical University of Vienna, offers mentoring services to freshman students entering the university. The specialty of this program is that it is based on the principle of peer mentoring, that is, mentors are also students.

Peer Mentoring at TU Wien

This mentoring program, operating at the Technical University of Vienna, offers mentoring services to freshman students entering the university. The specialty of this program is that it is based on the principle of peer mentoring, that is, mentors are also students.

Program for Academic Leaders in Life Science (PALS)

The aim of the program is to form a network for young group leaders in experimental, clinical, or computational life science and for them to engage in multi-disciplinary collaborations with other young research group leaders in Sweden. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has granted funding to the program covering 10 universities in Sweden and the Swedish Museum of Natural History.

Program for Academic Leaders in Life Science (PALS)

The aim of the program is to form a network for young group leaders in experimental, clinical, or computational life science and for them to engage in multi-disciplinary collaborations with other young research group leaders in Sweden. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has granted funding to the program covering 10 universities in Sweden and the Swedish Museum of Natural History.


The SelmaMeyerMentoring programme, at the Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, is a personnel development strategy for female early career researchers. It aims to help qualified, committed female early career researchers identify and develop their skills and expertise, and systematically integrate these into their career planning.


The SelmaMeyerMentoring programme, at the Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, is a personnel development strategy for female early career researchers. It aims to help qualified, committed female early career researchers identify and develop their skills and expertise, and systematically integrate these into their career planning.

SUCCESS Mentoring Program

This mentoring program, offered by the Technological University of Dublin and supported by the Dublin Athena SWAN Committee, offers mentoring as career development to female students at the university.

SUCCESS Mentoring Program

This mentoring program, offered by the Technological University of Dublin and supported by the Dublin Athena SWAN Committee, offers mentoring as career development to female students at the university.


Team Mentorship developed from the common desire of six francophone Belgian universities (UCLouvain, ULB, ULiège, UMONS, UNamur and USL-B) to extend the encouraging results of the mentoring pilot experiment carried out at the University of Mons in 2020 and 2021. Supported by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, share the perspective, which is to make the most of the high-level skills of junior researchers, in the academic and scientific sector, as well as in the private, public and voluntary sectors.


Team Mentorship developed from the common desire of six francophone Belgian universities (UCLouvain, ULB, ULiège, UMONS, UNamur and USL-B) to extend the encouraging results of the mentoring pilot experiment carried out at the University of Mons in 2020 and 2021. Supported by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, share the perspective, which is to make the most of the high-level skills of junior researchers, in the academic and scientific sector, as well as in the private, public and voluntary sectors.

Université Paris-Saclay

The objective of this program is to support women doctoral students in an important period of career building by giving them access to a mentor, ie. to an experienced professional of any gender, working in the public or private sector, to attend professional development workshops, and to be part of a community of young women scientists sharing similar concerns.

Université Paris-Saclay

The objective of this program is to support women doctoral students in an important period of career building by giving them access to a mentor, ie. to an experienced professional of any gender, working in the public or private sector, to attend professional development workshops, and to be part of a community of young women scientists sharing similar concerns.

University of Oslo Mentoring Program for Female Postdocs

The mentoring programme for female postdocs is a year-long career support initiative that starts in January each year and lasts until the end of November. The aim of the programme is to motivate women to pursue an academic career as well as providing a framework for networking and learning across UiO.

University of Oslo Mentoring Program for Female Postdocs

The mentoring programme for female postdocs is a year-long career support initiative that starts in January each year and lasts until the end of November. The aim of the programme is to motivate women to pursue an academic career as well as providing a framework for networking and learning across UiO.

We in Games Mentorship Program

WiGFi Mentorship Program is a lightly structured program that pairs participants for one-to-one mentorships. The program also offers tools and learning materials, training for the mentors, peer support and networking opportunities.

We in Games Mentorship Program

WiGFi Mentorship Program is a lightly structured program that pairs participants for one-to-one mentorships. The program also offers tools and learning materials, training for the mentors, peer support and networking opportunities.

WIIS POLAND – NGC Women Mentoring Program

This mentoring program is addressed to female students and young graduates in STEM of Polish universities who are interested in pursuing their future careers in the area of international security, defense and peace studies. The program’s goal is to provide female participants with the tools and network required to successfully navigate the world of international security and defense, as well as overcome challenges faced by women in industry. 

WIIS POLAND – NGC Women Mentoring Program

This mentoring program is addressed to female students and young graduates in STEM of Polish universities who are interested in pursuing their future careers in the area of international security, defense and peace studies. The program’s goal is to provide female participants with the tools and network required to successfully navigate the world of international security and defense, as well as overcome challenges faced by women in industry. 

Women Career Lunches

This mentoring program, operating at RWTH Aachen University, offers networking and mentoring services to women studying in computing programs at the university from the undergraduate to the postdoc level.

Women Career Lunches

This mentoring program, operating at RWTH Aachen University, offers networking and mentoring services to women studying in computing programs at the university from the undergraduate to the postdoc level.

Women´s Career Network – Inspire Challenge Unite

The WCN mentorship programme offers members one-on-one guidance and support from established professionals in their relevant fields. The mentors are top professionals with inspiring careers and academic backgrounds excited to invest their time and knowledge to empower future leaders. The Mentorship Programme is currently available in Helsinki and Stockholm.

Women´s Career Network – Inspire Challenge Unite

The WCN mentorship programme offers members one-on-one guidance and support from established professionals in their relevant fields. The mentors are top professionals with inspiring careers and academic backgrounds excited to invest their time and knowledge to empower future leaders. The Mentorship Programme is currently available in Helsinki and Stockholm.

Women´s Career Network – Inspire Challenge Unite

The WCN mentorship programme offers members one-on-one guidance and support from established professionals in their relevant fields. The mentors are top professionals with inspiring careers and academic backgrounds excited to invest their time and knowledge to empower future leaders. The Mentorship Programme is currently available in Helsinki and Stockholm.

Women in Data Science, AI & ML Sweden (wids.se)

Women in Data Science AI & ML Sweden is a non-profit organisation which aims to inspire and educate data scientists in Sweden, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field. As a mentee, you can get support for transitioning into your first/next role, and expanding your skillset, such as Career advice, communication, technical, leadership and self leadership skills.

Women in Data Science, AI & ML Sweden (wids.se)

Women in Data Science AI & ML Sweden is a non-profit organisation which aims to inspire and educate data scientists in Sweden, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field. As a mentee, you can get support for transitioning into your first/next role, and expanding your skillset, such as Career advice, communication, technical, leadership and self leadership skills.

Women in Digital Mentorship

Offered by the Boston Consulting Group, this program offers individual mentoring opportunities, as well as group events, in Helsinki for women in tech, connected to Aalto.

Women in Digital Mentorship

Offered by the Boston Consulting Group, this program offers individual mentoring opportunities, as well as group events, in Helsinki for women in tech, connected to Aalto.

Women in Space Sweden

The Women in Space Sweden Mentorship Program aims to empower and support women pursuing studies or careers in the space industry through meaningful mentorship relationships. The program provides guidance, networking opportunities, and professional development to help mentees advance in their careers. The program is dedicated to any persons identifying as women and girls as well as any persons identifying as non-binary, age 13 and above and based in Sweden.

Women in Space Sweden

The Women in Space Sweden Mentorship Program aims to empower and support women pursuing studies or careers in the space industry through meaningful mentorship relationships. The program provides guidance, networking opportunities, and professional development to help mentees advance in their careers. The program is dedicated to any persons identifying as women and girls as well as any persons identifying as non-binary, age 13 and above and based in Sweden.

Women in STEM

The mission of WiSTEM is to create and maintain an environment that fosters the growth and development of women, femme, and nonbinary students in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through mentorship. The WiSTEM Mentorship Program was established to build community among women in STEM by matching undergraduates with graduate students in similar fields and to create programming that fosters the growth and development of women students in the STEM community at Harvard. It is a round the globe mentorship program.

Women on Top Mentoring Platform 

In this platform,  you can find a mentor to help you navigate the challenges of your professional life or become a mentor yourself to support another woman in becoming the best version of herself, fulfil her potential, and pursue her aspirations. The platform has been developed and run by WoT, which is an organisation working for the economic and professional empowerment of women and for gender equality and inclusion in the workplace. They are an organization based in Greece.

Women on Top Mentoring Platform 

In this platform,  you can find a mentor to help you navigate the challenges of your professional life or become a mentor yourself to support another woman in becoming the best version of herself, fulfil her potential, and pursue her aspirations. The platform has been developed and run by WoT, which is an organisation working for the economic and professional empowerment of women and for gender equality and inclusion in the workplace. They are an organization based in Greece.

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  1. Ragins, B. R., & Kram, K. E. 2007, “The handbook of mentoring at work: Theory, research, and practice”. Sage Publications.