We have collected data through surveys and focus group discussions, to understand students’ and teachers’ experiences regarding gender in STEM, mainly CS and education. The outcomes of the surveys shown:
- how students and teachers perceive gender, gender imbalance and gender inclusion
- Examples and areas students expect receive during lectures.
- Preferences regarding pedagogical methods i.e. lecturers, seminars, work groups, workshops, online learning
- Demand for female role models
- Differences between female and male teachers on how to give feedback to students.
From the outputs of the surveys, we have adapted a check lists to be used to review course materials, literature and exercises
Students ask for:
1 – More female literature
2 – Historical overview of STEM areas and highly contributions to the area from both women and men
Teachers ask for:
1- Tutored seminars with faculty colleagues to become aware of which questions to ask, which indicators to look for, and how to be more inclusive